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Déjà vu, Repetitive Déjà vu, and Prophetic Déjà vu

Many of us have experienced déjà vu in our lives, some of us many times, even often.
Have you experienced déjà vu? What is your theory on what causes déjà vu? Have you noticed a pattern?


What causes déjà vu?

I have my own theory about where déjà vu comes from. I've done a lot of work with dreams over the years. I have even experienced prophetic dreams. What if a person has a prophetic dream and, upon waking, does not remember the dream? When the person actually experiences the real event from the prophetic dream, I believe that situation would create the feeling of déjà vu! The prophetic dream combined with the actual situation could even result in "repetitive déjà vu"; back-to-back déjà vu. This theory of mine can even explain, what I call, "prophetic déjà vu". This is when, immediately after the experience of déjà vu or repetitive déjà vu, one then knows or has a sense of what is about to happen and then it does happen. I've experienced this at least twice in my life. After a repetitive déjà vu (back-to-back-to-back), I suddenly realized "oh... now THIS is about to happen", and then it did! Such events may be fairly uneventful, nothing dramatic or profound, but the experience of the prophetic déjà vu is exciting! I was speaking to a friend, recently, about prophetic déjà vu and asked her if she has experienced it. She said she had and related a time when she experienced déjà vu and then thought to herself "but what about the lady in the flowered dress?" At that moment the lady in the flowered dress walked around the corner!


Similar to our interest in receiving your stories of synchronicity, we'd love to receive stories of your experiences with déjà vu, repetitive déjà vu, and (especially) prophetic déjà vu. If you have experienced these, please let us know about them. Please send us an email with your experiences ( info "at"


From Merriam-Webster:

dé·jà vu

noun \ˌdā-ˌzhä-ˈvü, -ˈvue\
Definition of Dé·jà vu

  1. a : the illusion of remembering scenes and events when experienced for the first time
    b : a feeling that one has seen or heard something before
  2. : something overly or unpleasantly familiar


From Wikipedia:

Déjà vu is the experience of feeling sure that one has witnessed or experienced a new situation previously (an individual feels as though an event has already happened or has happened in the recent past), although the exact circumstances of the previous encounter are uncertain.

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Synchronicity / Déjà vu, Repetitive Déjà vu, and Prophetic Déjà vu / Sacred What If! / How to Remember Dreams
How to Overcome Fear and Phobias
/ Woman-Mother Earth / Gratitude Walk / The Burning Bowl Ceremony / Why are people gay and lesbian?

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